Note: We receive and publish.

If we start from the theory of the World System School, which posits that the periphery is still a candidate for launching a revolution against the system of monopoly capitalism after the capitalist mode of production has spread throughout the globe, and that the youth movements in the center are inspired, as we see, by the massacre against Palestinians, who are part of the periphery, it may be permissible for us to say that what drives the conflict is not solely the American deep state without mentioning its various its components. As long as there is an advanced and/or savage global capitalist system, whether developed or underdeveloped to varying degrees, based on the most dangerous and oldest historical deviation from the course of history, which is private property, not to mention the defeat of women since then, this deviation or historical break forms and reveals common interests for any political capitalist system in the world with its counterparts, even if some of them differ on more important and vital issues from one country to another. And when we say country, we mean the ruling owning class, not necessarily the whole society or social classes.

The capitalist mode of production, with its class social relations, remains the same system. The difference between capitalism in the United States or Western Europe and Somalia is in degree, not in kind, despite the enormous difference in degree between the two. In fact, the two formations meet on a malicious issue that attempts to hide the class disparity and contradiction within each country. In Somalia, class disparities are hidden due to the fact that the life distance or level of income and wealth accumulation is not enormous. Similarly, the welfare state in the West also hides class disparities, as the popular classes live in an acceptable manner, where part of their welfare comes from exploiting the periphery, which does not push them to revolution but rather gives them something to fear for as long as they lack revolutionary consciousness. Here, of course, we cannot overlook the transfer of wealth from Somalia/the periphery to Washington, for example.

It is true that private property is the foundation and that its lifeblood is accumulation, but it often proceeds in a malicious way to avoid being a catalyst for revolution.

Thus, there is a deep state in every country within this global monopoly capitalist system. This does not necessarily mean the crystallization of a unified global capitalist class, but at the same time, there are indications of their harmony, albeit to varying degrees, according to class interests and even ideology. In this alignment, the deep states rank themselves in their capitalist stance against the revolution, indeed against all humanity, with its history and future. This is perhaps what we see in the positions regarding the massacre against the Arab Palestinian people.

It is true that the deep state of America is leading the war, and it is true that most of the Zionist Entity are part of the components of this deep state. However, what do we say or how do we view the positions of the deep state in various countries around the world regarding the Palestinian cause and specifically the massacre? These positions vary between participants in the war and those who provide weapons, money, media, espionage, and theorizing, etc.

Despite modifications in the statements of this or that minister from the West and from India as well regarding the massacre—where their positions initially attacked Hamas and then started to change in form to absorb public anger—the positions of these deep states align with that of the United States and the Zionist Entity. This emboldens the entity to continue its atrocities and arrogance. It may be important to note that the deep state(s) in the West exhibit such brutality to the extent that women like the German Foreign Minister and the Italian President lead this brutality. This is without even mentioning Margaret Thatcher, Hillary Clinton, and Condoleezza Rice previously, who are merely examples of what I call « Nasthokuriah » i.e., women/females who serve the state of men/males despite being women! While women were the most anti-war during the Greek civilization period!

I add a note here, recalling when the uprising in Egypt 2011 against Mubarak took place, Hillary Clinton arrived in Tahrir Square and gave a speech to the public, much like Sheikh Qaradawi did in a separate incident, but an Arab academic in America wrote attacking me for being anti-women.

Therefore, the deep state in the global capitalist system is unified but not united characterized by variations that do not amount to contradictions!

What, then, do we call the positions of Arab regimes towards the massacre? Whether the reason is dependency, betrayal, collusion, cohabitation, interests, etc., they practically align against the Palestinian people, being part of the counter-revolution that considers this system good and acceptable and prohibits its disruption, let alone its change. These regimes even continuously receive the US Secretary of State, who reiterates his country’s deep state’s position to eradicate Hamas and the resistance factions and recover the Zionist captives without a single word about the more than ten thousand Palestinian detainees, nor do they raise a word of amendment or blame! These regimes speak of stopping the aggression, describing it as a ceasefire, ignoring their duty to stand against the Zionist Entity at any level of confrontation where tens of thousands of martyrs and more than one hundred thousand injured and starving people are involved, etc. What can be said about the Arab deep states other than that they are part of the global deep state’s stance, especially the American one? Indeed, the meeting of 57 Arab and Islamic rulers in Riyadh on November 11, 2023, resulted in merely hoping that the United Nations would ask the Zionist Entity to stop the war! Which did not happen, meaning their position is truly supportive of the aggression. In fact, the counter-revolution’s response, led by the deep state(s), against October 7 started on October 8, 2023.

We might apply this criterion to various regimes worldwide, with variations, of course. If we are to condemn this unified yet diverse deep state, it would be at least from two standpoints or factors:

1.    The leader of the deep state in the world is the United States, to which most regimes in the world have tied themselves or allied with, despite the nuclear bombing of Japan 1945, as such a crime should have united the world against it to defeat its system or deep state.

2.    This global official stance of peaceful snake-like benevolence towards the massacre in Gaza.

Socialist regimes attempted to break free from this global capitalist system, either to crystallize a decision to break free from it and/or due to the siege and severance with the Soviet Union and even its early invasion. The realized socialist regimes paid a high price but did not manage to triumph despite the importance and sanctity of the mission. Regardless of their failure in the mission, capitalism seized upon that failure to present itself as the « best, » the strongest, and the end of history!

As the revolution retreated before the counter-revolution after the disintegration of the realized socialist bloc, especially the collapse of the Soviet system, three significant global developments occurred:

  • The Monstrous Development: Turning the planet into a globalized capitalist public sector where capitalism dominated, and the planet largely became a common property for the capitalist class. This was not limited to the economic level and the incorporation of over a billion new workers from Eastern Europe and Russia under the capitalist umbrella. Capitalism also became more predatory towards its own societies by retreating from what the popular classes’ struggles, led by the left, had achieved, called the « welfare state, » not to mention the brazenness of these Western regimes, this is what I pointed out in my book: 2001 Epidemic of Globalization especially regarding human rights in general, which has been sharply intensified today in the stance towards the massacre against the Palestinians.

Thus, I argued that the victory of capital does not mean it emerged from the battle victorious and without wounds, as was evident in the 2008 economic and financial crisis that led the central countries to adopt protectionist policies instead of globalization, shaking the supply chains that were the lifeblood of open globalization, and showed astonishment at China’s development, which led it to prepare for aggression against China.

  • The Middle Response: Gathering countries with massive economic capabilities to impose multipolarity opposing/competing with Western imperialism rather than contradicting it. This is the BRICS bloc, which snatches the economic/capitalist leadership from the West without offering a class-based alternative to the West and without engaging with the West to defend oppressed countries as the Soviet Union did, especially during Stalin’s era and China during Mao Zedong’s period. The disintegration of the socialist bloc led to breaking the bridle imposed by the Soviet Union against open imperialist predation during the period 1917-1989. Hence, BRICS’ response to Western imperialism, along with Japan, was through economic undermining of Western hegemony, not class contradiction on a socialist basis specifically against capitalism and, of course, imperialism. This allowed imperialism to commit many of its crimes against Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen, and today, blatantly and shamefully against Gaza. This also shows that the deep state(s) retain an umbilical cord among themselves unless severed by at least radical socialist revolutionary forces.

The Gaza massacre highlighted the difference in stance and cohesion between the West, which immediately and unreservedly supported the aggression, and the BRICS stance, which wavered between being annoyed, rejecting, and even supportive, such as India’s stance. Importantly, the massacre did not change the relations between the two blocs, nor did the Russian defensive war in Ukraine. While the West stands with Ukraine, we do not see BRICS cohesion in an actual stance with Russia.

  • The Revolutionary Response According to the Available Ceiling: Or the theoretical intellectual response to the predation of capitalism or theorizing a response from the revolution’s side against capitalism’s predation, working in front of capital by resorting to transitional struggle from capitalism to socialism or any system other than capitalism through the theory of Delinking advocated by the late Samir Amin. In my belief, he derived, albeit indirectly, the possibility of this from Japan’s development opportunity, where the capitalist system had not yet generalized to cover the globe, i.e., it was not a globally dominant center at the time to hinder Japan’s capitalization even within limits. This was not available to Muhammad Ali in Egypt nor to Abdel Nasser. Hence, it was said, « No Japan after Japan, » and we believe Europe said or saw, « No Europe after Europe » or « No West after the West. »

Given the stumbling attempts at Delinking, especially because those who attempted it were regimes and not popular classes with conscious revolutionary vanguards, the experience of the great Palestinian uprising in 1987 taught to coin and argue that the paradigm of Development by Popular Protection could be the threshold that prepares the climate for Delinking. But that’s another discussion.

One Deep and Powerful State:

There are many extensive and in-depth writings and analyses, as well as some sloganistic, miraculous beliefs that American imperialism is on the brink of demise or is rapidly declining, etc. However, analyzing the decline of America’s internal situation and its external hegemony should not be done without considering that it leads the deep state globally. Many, if not most, systems in the world are parts of the deep state, and thus serve it and prolong its life. Therefore, understanding American decline should not be isolated from its position at the heart of the global deep state. This non-isolation allows us to better and more accurately understand global events. A significant part of the power and/or continuity of American hegemony globally is derived from its globalized environment. Thus, relying solely on the deterioration of the monopolistic capitalist political system in America by itself is insufficient to predict its collapse and fall.

In this context, the insistence of the United States on containing Europe through three continuous phases may help:

1.    Containing Europe after the Second Imperialist War through the Marshall Plan, the establishment of NATO and Bretton Woods.

2.    Re-containment of Europe following the oil booms/shocks in 1973 and 1985.

3.    Re-containment of Europe by pushing it to the forefront in the aggression against Russia in the Ukraine War, which risks leading the world into a Third World War. As these lines are being written, America, Germany, are supplying Ukraine with weapons capable of striking deep into Russia.

A careful reading of this phase teaches us two important lessons regarding the collapse of the USSR and the triumph of capital:

First Lesson: The internal reasons of the collapse of the USSR alone (such as bureaucracy, the overreach of the nomenklatura, production deficiencies, reliance on oil exports for liquidity, limiting democracy to the economic sphere without political reform, being forced into an arms race, and the extensive aid it provided to many regimes under the illusion of a « non-capitalist path of development » were not the sole reasons for the disintegration of the Soviet Union in such a tragic way. The counter-revolution succeeded in stripping the Soviet Union of its two peripheries sequentially:

1.    Detaching the external or distant periphery from the Soviet Union, i.e., countries in Asia, Africa, and South America that had received enormous aid from the Soviet Union at the expense of the Soviet workers’ efforts. Countries like Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Algeria used their relationship with the Soviets to qualify for acceptance or to fit into the global capitalist structure, as if someone prepares a bride for someone else. Consequently, these regimes severed ties with the Eastern Bloc and became tools or vassals for the deep state at the center. This also applies to various Non-Aligned Movement countries that were formally non-aligned but were essentially aligned with the global capitalist system.

2.    Detaching the direct periphery of the Soviet Union, i.e., the Eastern European Comecon countries, starting with Czechoslovakia’s, Hungary, Poland, and the rest leading to the spread of counter-revolution and ruin to the Soviet Union itself. Most of these countries have turned into hostile territories even to the Russian Federation.

Therefore, losing these peripheries/allies turned the internal crisis into an insurmountable dilemma leading to the eventual collapse. The imperial center, whose historical project was to overthrow the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China, fought the Eastern Bloc using its capabilities and what it plundered from Third World countries, which increased with the disintegration of the socialist bloc. The global capitalist system’s periphery continues to fund the imperial center’s wars and aggression.

It’s noteworthy that the center’s plundering of the periphery has always been class-based, not national. This is evident from the stances of the classes that ruled in the periphery post-colonialism, which Franz Fanon warned about and Kwame Nkrumah theorized as « neocolonialism. » However, Nkrumah did not focus much on a critical factor in the persistence of colonialism and plundering, which is facilitated by the comprador capitalist regimes in these countries. These regimes found class dependency easier than Development by Popular Protection. This relationship between the comprador capitalism in the periphery and productive capitalism in the center forms a kind of alliance of the deep state.

Second Lesson: The power of American imperialism today is not solely due to its own capabilities. Most of the world’s regimes are dependencies in various forms and degrees to American imperialism, making it a peripheral part of the global deep state centered in America. Thus, the global capitalist system has its deep state comprising these dependent regimes that efficiently serve America’s dominance and control. They even help America manage its massive debt, which keeps the American system operational. Even China, despite reducing its debt holdings to the US Treasury from $2 trillion to $800 billion, plays a role in maintaining this system

The Youth Class-Based International Revolution

On the other hand, and in a way that serves our thesis about the deep-rooted state, the youth movement beginning in the United States and the solidarity popular protests with Gaza express the divergence and perhaps contradiction between the deep-rooted state and the popular classes from the massacre.

These positions, though they may appear and start against the Zionist Entity, are fundamentally a class rejection against the deep-rooted state globally, meaning against the capitalist system in general, whether it’s retrogressive or imperialistic. This article is not about repeating what we all call for, that is the absence and therefore the necessity of a revolutionary movement to bear this burden and/or for the movement to produce that, and of course, this takes time.

The first step in this regard is to provide a historical-material analysis of the reasons for the deterioration of the global revolution to the extent of radical and violent change of the existing reality.

Thus, whether the makers of the Al-Aqsa Flood event anticipated it or not, and whether the world anticipated the counter-revolutionary attack by the deep-rooted international state or not, this event, now under light, requires an elevation of the political and cultural stance of Palestinians and the real resistance axis parties to address the world’s people, especially the youth, with intellectual, social, political, cultural, and popular arguments befitting of the revolutionary youth solidarity far from the clerical/fundamentalist thought and far from the political investment of systems based on the ideology of Politicized Religion, imagining that the youth in the world can be contained by illusions of some regimes in the region that seek dominance over their surroundings far from intellectual pluralism and women’s liberation even in the bourgeois Western dichotomous manner, or nationalistic retrogressive arguments akin to chauvinism promoted by Alexander Dugin in Russia, and all these arguments are anti-Marxist either explicitly or implicitly.

What happened for Gaza and Palestine globally is a universal stance surpassing any specific and limited culture or ideology.


In the face of minority control over the world against the majority, and the increasing control both in terms of the central minority against the periphery, and the class minority within each state individually, as well as the increasing wealth of the controllers and their decreasing numerical percentage versus the increasing impoverishment and growing numbers of the overwhelming majority, humanity is confronted with two unavoidable challenges:

The first is global: What is the path to change this world? Capitalism and, of course, its intellectuals and politicians, took advantage of the disintegration of the socialist bloc to promote itself until it clearly faltered, creating an atmosphere for the return of communist thought or its imposition by the fact that capitalism is not the solution for this world. This unequivocally includes the core philosophy of Marx, which demands the changing of this world through the global revolutionary and ethical development reaching: The surpassing and abolition of private property The abolition of currency The abolition of the state

The second is regional: What is the next day in the Arab-Zionist conflict, specifically in Gaza? For the Zionist entity, the next day is the first day of 1897 in Basel/Switzerland: the expulsion or extermination of the indigenous people through killing, starvation, and physical destruction of children, supported by American armament and participation, along with negotiation maneuvers and the shifting of the « red line » myth because America here defends its global dominance, the silence of Arab and Islamic regimes, the observation of the victim’s death, and the preference for that quickly. This brings to mind the myth of Kissinger’s genius, which would not have happened without the presence of Arab regimes hostile to their people, and the military myth of Petraeus, which is merely achieving victory by burning everything, as happened in the Nuseirat camp in Gaza to save four captive Zionists.

The counter-choice is to continue the struggle to ignite the Arab street and mobilize the popular street globally, i.e., to confront the myth of the deep state’s power globally. This is a prolonged conflict, and there is no choice but to face it.

Source: Occupied Palestine, Dr. Adel Samara