Note: Western imperialism attack directly Russia with terrorist mercenaries. Sanctions, proxy war, and now direct agression. In fact it has implemented another pack of sanctions against russian trade and citizens. BUT EU sanctions against Russia have had no significant impact on the Russian economy.On the contrary, Russia records economic success and this destabilizes Western unipolarity. IMF publication forecasts GDP growth is of 3.4% for Russia in 2024 , higher than Germany, Japan, Italy,France or even USA . This is due to the reorientation of its foreign trade oriented towards the South and the East. It is in this context that the war against russia and its citizens is taking place.

Weakness: we can also add that Zionist control of Russia’s summit means that this country does not reach a prominent position in relation to the United States, and falls into negotiations that favor the empire and Zionism, this can explain the weaknesses of Russian strategic defense systems. Ukraine’s attacks on radars that are part of the early warning system Russia’s nuclear power supply has been on the verge of bringing us to the brink of disaster. The problem is that, unlike the Americans, Moscow lacks an efficient warning system in the space segment. This is what leading American nuclear weapons expert Theodore Postol tells the Standard.


The main topic was the terrible terrorist attacks committed in Sevastopol and Dagestan. Yuri Afonin expressed deep condolences to the families and friends of the victims and wished a speedy recovery to all those injured at the hands of terrorists.

The United States is undoubtedly behind the terrorist attack in Sevastopol, he said. American ATACMS missile, American gunner aircraft. We can say that Zelensky and his junta simply provide the Americans with territory to attack our country and organize the delivery of NATO missiles to the launch point. And all the main work of delivering a strike is carried out by NATO members. They reconnaissance and select targets for attack, and generate data that is loaded into missile guidance units. Washington is behind every such strike.

The Anglo-Saxons have no empathy; they have always shown disdain for the lives of civilians, if they are not their citizens, said Yuri Vyacheslavovich. We remember how during World War II they ironed out German cities, when there was no longer any need for this – Soviet troops were stationed near Berlin. We remember the atomic strikes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki – also without any military necessity. We remember how they committed atrocities in Vietnam, how they wiped out Iraqi cities from the face of the Earth. The crimes of Western imperialism are endless, and now they are adding to them the murders of our civilians.

Yesterday, out of emotion, many radical proposals were expressed in telegram channels: to launch a tactical nuclear strike on the center of Kyiv, to begin striking Western capitals, to shoot down NATO planes in international airspace if they even slightly approach our borders. All these are just emotional reactions, noted the first deputy chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, although understandable, given what we saw yesterday. But we must understand that we are dealing with an enemy with huge stockpiles of nuclear weapons, who has no moral barriers at all. Therefore, there are no simple recipes to stop terrorist attacks on our territory. If these simple recipes existed, they would have already been used.

We need to continue the fight. To smash the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the front. Destroy the enemy’s infrastructure in the rear, which allows him to conduct combat operations. Increase production in our military-industrial complex. Cover our cities with an increasingly powerful and reliable air defense system. We must firmly and persistently move towards victory, just as the Soviet Union did during the Great Patriotic War. 

The terrorist attacks in Dagestan, despite all the differences with the Sevastopol tragedy, have the same customers and ideologists, noted Yuri Afonin. He recalled: last week, speaking at a meeting in Switzerland, the presidents of Finland and Poland spoke about the need to “decolonize” Russia.

What is decolonization of Russia, which has no colonies?

This is the destruction and dismemberment of our country, that is, our opponents are already openly declaring their desire to blow up Russia from the inside.

The terrorist attacks in Dagestan – an attack on an Orthodox church and a synagogue, the murder of a priest – are clearly aimed at inciting interethnic and interfaith hatred. Dagestan was chosen as the place where efforts were made to shake up the situation: a powerful information attack on the residents of the republic at the beginning of the Northern Military District; then the riots at the airport, which were also behind the Ukrainian and Western intelligence services.

Why Dagestan? This is the most multinational republic of the Russian Federation: there are more than 30 ethnics groups, and in total more than 110 ethnics peoples have been living in Dagestan in peace and friendship for many years.

But recruiters look for and find extremists who have lost their humanity and who do not know or understand history. Identifying and neutralizing them is the job of our special services, but it is very important to constantly conduct educational and patriotic work with young people so that terrorism does not find fertile ground, Yuri Vyacheslavovich emphasized. Young people are brought into terrorist cells by ignorance, poverty, unemployment, and a generally unhealthy social situation – these are the conditions that must be eradicated.

The response to terrorist attacks should be not only increased vigilance, but also the unity of our entire society to solve the main task – achieving victory, said the First Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee. Only victory will reliably ensure the security of our country and guarantee its very existence.

Source: KPRF- Afonin Yuri, First Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee

Ted Postol: The US anti-missile system would not intercept a single Russian nuclear warhead ( ESP/ENG)


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