In the most recent speech Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah issued a threat against Cyprus, marking the first time Hezbollah has threatened an entity other than « Israel » or the United States. (

️This threat did not come out of nowhere, but is rooted in long-standing cooperation between Cyprus and the Zionist entity, such as several joint military exercises since 2014 to support the entity’s military actions.

️In 2017, 700 IOF soldiers trained in the Troodos Mountains of Cyprus, which are “similar to Lebanese terrain”.

️A 2022 exercise saw IDF hold exercises in Cyprus simulating a ground attack on Lebanon; this included soldiers from naval units and the 98th Division, which participated in the Nusseirat massacre and which withdrew from Gaza two weeks ago.

️In May 2023, IDF again conducted exercises in Cyprus to simulate an attack on Lebanon.

️All this is well documented in the Zionist media, whose military experts claimed in 2019 that “Cyprus is a copy of Lebanon: mountains, plants and the need to work between civilians”.

️Cypriot military leaders also visited occupied Palestine to meet soldiers and conduct training.

️A large-scale IOF attack on Lebanon would likely involve a naval landing operation on the Lebanese coast launched from Cyprus, coinciding with land and air aggression.

️Moreover, Cyprus serves as a launching pad for imperialist aggression against the region.

There are two British military bases in Cyprus, which occupy 3% of the island. These bases are 185 and 240 kilometers from Beirut, closer than the Zionist entity’s « Dimona » nuclear facility in southern occupied Palestine and well within range of Hezbollah’s precision missiles.

️As of May 8, the British army had carried out more than 200 espionage missions over Gaza in support of the Zionist entity. Presumably, all these missions took off from Cypriot bases.

Nasrallah’s threat coincided with the visit of a Cypriot intelligence delegation to Beirut to discuss immigration.

After the speech, the delegation quickly turned around to meet with Lebanon’s General Directorate of General Security, to assert that Cyprus would not allow its territory to be used to threaten Lebanon.

However, the two British bases in Cyprus are entirely under British control and they are not considered Cypriot territory.

Hezbollah’s position is supported by popular calls for Cyprus to break cooperation with the Zionist entity, withdraw from imperialist interventions and close foreign military bases on the island, underscoring deep opposition to Cyprus’ complicity in imperialist aggression in the region.

Thus, Hezbollah’s threat against Cyprus is a direct response to its cooperation with the Zionist entity and its role in facilitating imperialist military actions in the region.

The crucial question is: who is the aggressor? The entity that offers its territory and airspace to a genocidal army for further aggression, or the nation that stands up to defend Palestine and firmly asserts its sovereignty?

It becomes clear that the warning was an obligation, not a choice, in the face of Cyprus’ actions that threaten regional stability and the Zionist entity that drags it into matters that do not concern it, endangering its own security.

Source: EL mostefa M.

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