Bureau d 'information Alba Granada North Africa

One of our goals is to increase international solidarity among peoples through campaigns of information in North Africa / West Asia and Our America –

Report: « Fortress Europe, Imperialistic Wars and Migration Nowadays »


On February 22, 2014 at 10:30 am , at the Europa House  in Valletta, Garden Of Knowledge Malta Association  held an exceptional conference on the theme of Migration  : “Fortress Europe , imperialist wars and migrations today » organized with the support of CADTM (Committee for the Cancellation of Third World debt) .
The seminar was presented by Anabel Mifsud , a researcher at the University of Malta.

The conference started with the presentation of a poignant documentary DEM WALLA DEE , “ To Leave or To die” by Chilean  Director RODRIGO SAEZ, made in 2007, in Senegal, which mainly  denounce the Unfair Free trade agreement with EU, that impoverished peasants and fishermen.

Too many Inhabitants of the rich Countries do not understand these PERVERSE MECHANISMS which drive inhabitants of the DC’s countries to leave their lands and their loved ones to try to survive in the North. They often have no alternative , since the WEALTH they produce is systematically sucked up by the North. “ The DEBT is no longer the cause of fair repayment of a loan under regular conditions, but a very clever INSTRUMENT of DOMINATION; dissimulation Racketering and Pillage “ – (ref Who owes who)

The topic of Migration was presented differently by the following speakers :

Anabel Mifsud, the presenter,  Focused on the fact That most of  migrants comes from ex- Colonized countries today  neo Colonized , exploited , and impoverished by IMF and the World Bank with   neo liberal adjustment programs. After  been totally exploited , Europe closed the doors to  them , with a Fortress and  real WAR on Migrant, but presented by Mainstream as an “humanitarian Action” ( ref : Mare Nostrum Implement by Italy today- see Antonio Mazzeo Blog) . 

Dr.Jean Pierre Gauci of People For Change Foundation ,  focused  on the assumptions about migration in Europe based on statistics showing that this population represents only 10 % of the total population of the EU and it is criminalized and comodificated ( cheap labor force).  

Dr. Ali Benigassan , Chilean sociologist , stressed the importance of colonization in the migration process  and its implications to the present day . This brought to trace  the history of colonisation, Western Capitalism and its domination  of « southern » countries with  Slave trade, genocide of the Amerindians, Australian, New Zealand, Palestine (ref Tzvetan Todorov ) and the birth of the racist ideology that goes with  it. Ali Benigassan  briefly  underlined the current cultural  , political and economic domination faced today by ex colonized countries.

He stressed the importance of DELINKING or self organization , South- South relations , and the necessary emancipation of dependent  ties  (that persist today with neo colonialism) in  African, LATIN AMERICAN , Asian and Middle Eastern economies ( ref Samir Amin )  as a possible future and solution.

Prof. Peter Mayo, focused on imperialist wars. Peter Mayo didn’t go into  details of the scramble for Africa and its legacies, just mentioned it in general terms and also how boundaries were drawn up by former colonial powers in designating independent nation states to serve a variety of purposes. This could well have exacerbated “tribal “conflicts. He  mentioned the presence of an imperial arms industry which foments such “tribal” conflicts with sale of conventional weapons to those “ tribes”, often minority, who invest in the independent states repressive mechanisms and also divide and rule strategies which leave their marks.

World bank/IMF and SAP etc and the imperial mindset that sees southern people as masses which can be moved at will as with the creation of the state of Israel and the Nakba.  This brought him to EU’s fortress politics today and its intransigence despite its moral obligations to people its major powerhouses colonized. Ironic that the seat of the Eu is Belgium a colonial power responsible for the killing of African liberation leaders like Patrice Lumumba and which planted among “tribes” in Rwanda myths giving one minority “tribe” a sense of superiority which was at the heart of the killings in the mid nineties.

Mrs Ramona Wadi , maltese journalist form Middle East Monitor talked about  Israel as an imperialist -supported colonizing power: Describing Israel as an  » occupation  » instead of a settler -colonial state Conforms to erroneous mainstream narrative . Israel ‘s settler – colonization is supported by the UN as an international imperialist organization. A recognition and maintenance of Israel invalidates the UN resolutions on Palestine – it is impossible to speak about the right of return for Palestinians without the Dismantling of the Zionist state . Any term of solidarity with Palestinians articulated by imperialism is an exercise in Furthering Israel ‘s Impunity . The text as well : http://walzerscent.blogspot.com/p/palestine.html

Mr .Ali Konate , Migrant Network for Equality  made a touching and sincere speech on migrant situation in Malta and how african states are often servant of the WEST. Here the points of his speech:
1) The way African countries Are Being Governed By Their leaders.
Some leaders genuinely May be Trying to do what’s best for Their
people , goal MOST of them are just subservient to neo -colonial policies
coming from the West .
2) The way African migrants are Treated in Malta in relation to
Areas of different life ( Legal , Economic, Social )
3) What migrants can Contribute to the Economic and Social
development of a country in Areas : such as the labor market and culture
etc. .
4 ) Challenges related to the integration of African migrants in
Malta . The problem of racism and ignorance

The audience was composed by different people, from the students, workers, activists, retired persons, professors, interested by this topic. It gives us the strength to organize other Forums beyond Hegemonic Narratives.

We thank Dar el Europa for the cooperation and availability, HE. Ambassador Of Egypt to Malta Magda Baraka, The Assistant of the French Embassy , Radio Campus for the recording, all our colleagues, friends, Migrants, the AWAS centers,   as well as Voice of the Left for the publication of our initiative on the Newspaper Zminijetna.


Garden of Knowledge Malta Association team

Attached Pictures ( By A. Todorovic)


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