Note:  » The European Union’s executive arm is considering opening ‘excessive deficit procedures’ against Belgium, France, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Poland, and Slovakia. » writes LeMonde hiding that these cuts are ordred from the financial capital to finance the imperialistics wars against Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Irak, Russia, China, Cuba or Venezuela …. How long the people of Europe will accept this robbery ?

European Union countries increased their military budgets by an average of 6% in 2022 compared to 2021. But this spending remains « insufficient » , according to the European Defence Agency.

« We know that the stupidity of “debt and deficit” is just another mantra that they repeat to try to get the population to comply with the roadmap of the bankers and big capitalists.« 


In light of the news that we receive from Europe, those in power no longer even try to hide the obvious: that their supposed “democracy” is nothing more than the dictatorship of “the financial markets” (oligopolies, in reality). And this week the European Commission has opened “Excessive Deficit Procedures” to Belgium, France, Italy, Hungary, Malta, Poland and Slovakia, which must present adjustment plans before September 2024.

What their people voted matters as much as who won the Eurovision Song Contest that year, since the new feudal lords have added one more to the seven deadly sins: that the public deficit exceeds 3% of the gross domestic product (GDP). Thus, Italy has been excommunicated for registering a public deficit of 7.7% of its GDP and France, for a deficit of 5.5%. Among other.

The native progressivism is ecstatic that Spain has been excluded from such a select club of “wasters”: another unparalleled achievement of the Machiavellian Prince Sánchez against the right wing (the cowardly and the supposedly brave ones). However, from the point of view of the material interests of the people, the euphoria completely deflates when we read the fine print: Spain has not been expedited because, voluntarily, it has subscribed to a “Stability Program” that has more than makes the kleptocracy of Brussels happy. Didn’t Mr. De Guindos do the same thing a decade ago, bragging about “saving Spain from the rescue”, when in reality what he did was sign the most savage “rescue” possible against his own people, only in a voluntary and servile manner? ?

As if that were not enough, on April 30, as we denounced from this virtual forum, the dictatorship of the European Commission also determined that countries with a debt greater than 90% of their GDP will be obliged to reduce it by one percentage point per year. And Spain said goodbye to 2023 with a debt-to-GDP ratio of 107.7%. White and bottled.

Thus, between its debt and its deficit, and by virtue of the “Stability Program”, Spain (whether the fascists govern or the liberals equally subservient to the Ibex) will have to cut at least 20,000 million in its public spending over the next two years. “Stability” for the multimillion-dollar profits of banking, and absolute precariousness for the population. But, luckily, Sánchez will always have the option of painting it green: the government hopes to extract billions in environmental taxes. Of course, taxes on wealth and large fortunes will not be increased; but they can always cut back on health, education and pensions. The first would be “controversial”; the second, “State responsibility.” As usual.

As if that were not enough, now they want to impose more cuts on us to pay for NATO’s suicidal (self-)sanctions and war delusions. If we do not have enough historical memory to remember who liberated Europe from the Nazis (the Soviets), we could at least have historical memory of the last decade and a half. Only five years ago, Spain officially left the Excessive Deficit Procedure (which they demagogically and perversely called “the corrective arm of Brussels”, not to call it the Court of the Holy Inquisition 2.0), after an entire decade of scissors and crimes against its own population, faithfully executed by both PSOE (and its partners) and PP (and its partners). All this until the deficit reached 2.5% in 2018, after requesting several extensions and bowing their heads before each new “objective” imposed by the psychopathic inquisitors of the “prosperous” (for them) European governance. Do we really want to live through another lost decade of unemployment, emigration and evictions in which our people are humiliated?

We know that the stupidity of “debt and deficit” is just another mantra that they repeat to try to get the population to comply with the roadmap of the bankers and big capitalists. No longer able to prevent the cake from reducing in size, they now try to make it our piece of the cake (the town’s) that decreases. To penetrate the masses, the future popular front that confronts them must forget the fights between flags and identities, assuming the sacred cause of the well-being of the population, which involves defending a single “cut”: that of the portion of the pie of the parasites of the Ibex and those who amass fortunes in Swiss banks.

